Gaze / Parents, 2008
dual channel video, colour, silent
extract duration 1’45”
original duration 2’42”
Gaze is a series work about artist's parents, they are Gaze / Parents, Gaze /Mother and Gaze / Father. The relationship between children and parents is more like than dominant and implicit in oriental culture. Children seldom say love to parents, so do them. The love is strong but never been expressed. Sometimes when closing your eyes trying to remember the details of your parents’ face, you just come to find you can remember nothing. In the Gaze series, artist uses camera as her eyes to gaze her parents in different way so closely inch by inch to feel her parents. Gaze/Parents is a two-screen video work, of which the moving screens represent the relationship between the artist's parents. Not as traditionally praised of becoming unity, the two screens move toward different direction in different paces. But at all once, the parent's faces merge as a whole. At the latter part of the work, the artist studied her parents' faces, deeply, probably along with the relationship between father and mother. videoholic 2009